Have Ron Shuali from breaking the bullying circle on your show!

Looking for a dynamic speaker for your show or podcast to really take a stance on protecting children by teaching them mental & physical self-defense techniques? Ron Shuali is an anti-bullying expert with 30 years of experience on martial arts. 

Should kids let themselves stay victims like public schools want?

She asked why she got in trouble for standing up for herself. Does this seem fair?

Listen to the kids talk about being shamed by their school for defending themselves. Do you agree?

I demonstrate how to block mental bullying with the “AND?” Shield.

YOGARATE™ Breaking the Bullying Circle Empowerment Course.

“How to stop a bully” song for kids.

Triggering Bullying conversation that no one wants to talk about.

Watch her use her AND? Shield to deflect my insults.

About Ron Shuali, M.Ed.

Ron Shuali, M.Ed. has spent over 15 years working and presenting in the education marketplace. He is a best selling author, top motivational speaker and presenter with expertise in the preschool through middle school arena. Ron presents keynote addresses, continuing professional development workshops and school assemblies in schools and conferences nationally and locally. His ability to awaken the minds of students and schools expands into the corporate world as well. All participants laugh, listen and learn to succeed.

Since 2011, Ron has been giving anti-bullying /self-defense school assemblies and helping children out of victimhood. 

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